Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Squashed" Egg Scramble

Remember how I mentioned saving the pulpy part of the squash we scooped out when making the Stuffed One & Eight Ball Squash?  Well this is where we get to use it!  This can be a lunch or dinner meal, but I recommend it for breakfast.  I sometimes find that I want more of a savory breakfast than the traditional sweet breakfast.  This was hot and filling, and it used up the extra squash and spinach I had from making last night's dinner.  I use crushed red pepper and cajun seasoning for a good spicy heat, but you can substitute those for flavorful herbs if you prefer.

"Squashed" Egg Scramble

  • The left over squash pulp from 2 one or eight ball squashes
  • About a cup of fresh baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter (1 tbsp may be sufficient) 
  • 1 tbsp crushed red pepper
  • 2 tsp cajun seasoning
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese 
  1. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium-low to medium heat. 
  2. Add squash to melted butter and saute until tender. Use a spatula to break apart the larger chunks if you didn't chop them before this point.
  3. Add the spinach and stir until wilted.
  4. Season with salt and pepper to your taste.
  5. Whisk eggs, cream, cheese, red pepper, and cajun seasoning together until well beaten.
  6. Push the squash and spinach mixture more towards the center of the pan, and pour in the egg mixture.
  7. Lift, push, and scramble the mixture in the pan to get it all cooked. 
  8. This will be ready when eggs are cooked to your liking and everything is hot.
Serves 1 to 2 depending on how hungry you are and if you want to share!

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