Monday, August 15, 2011

Salvation of a busted up cake

Remember how I said that I sometimes would take on a task that was tough rather than do something simple? My boyfriend went out of town, and I decided to bake a cake for him. The problem is, I didn't want to just bake a regular cake. Oh no, I decided to make a LEGO cake. I've never made one, never made a red velvet cake from scratch, never made my own icing, etc. I was stressing over it big time. All things considered, I think it turned out fine:

Yeah, it's not the prettiest, and it's not to scale. My BF loved it, and that's what counts.

However, it nearly didn't happen. The first take at the base ended in disaster because I didn't put parchment paper in the bottom of the pan. The cake ripped in half when I tried removing it from the pan!

I cried, and then did it over again. Unfortunately I had a whole busted up 9x9 cake that I wasn't entirely sure what to do with. I wasn't going to throw it away since that would be wasteful, and I had put so much time into making it. After some thought, I came up with a solution that made the cake into something like a bread pudding that turned out to be totally yummy!

- One destroyed 9x9 cake (8x8 will also work, as will 8 or 9 inch rounds)
- Two boxes of instant pudding

Since I had a red velvet cake, I used white chocolate pudding. Pair up the pudding with what kind of cake you have, or what you think will make an interesting flavor combination.

Prepare pudding according to the directions on the box. Once the pudding is nice and thick, stir in the broken up chunks of cake. Stir it until it's well mixed... it will be A LOT of goop!

Now what you do from here is up to you. You can put it in the fridge and eat it as is, or you can bake it. I put it in cupcake cups, and baked it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes.

The result was a fun little bread pudding-like snack that tasted so good! If you choose to bake it, then be aware that they taste WONDERFUL when still warm! :D

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