Friday, October 14, 2011

Alive and well (and in another state!)

It has been quite the adventure recently!  Mr. Monkey got a new job which meant we got to move back to Kentucky from North Carolina.  As much as I love the Bluegrass State I hate the stress associated with moving too, so it was mixed emotions for me.  Thankfully I love the new apartment, and now that I have internet I love it even more!  I figured I would post a regular recipe blog post later, but for now I wanted to share a few pictures that show what I've been up to. 

Just a portion of the packing from the old apartment!

As you see with the above picture, we had to pack everything up, and the place was quite the disaster.  Which made this feel even odder right at first:

My dining area! So much gorgeous light!

 Of course it didn't take long to fix all of that empty space...


I managed to slay the evil box pile with the help of my trusty box cutter!
Take that!

Before we made the long (11 hours) drive from NC to KY, we visited with family in SC to say good bye.  While we were there, I got to check out the Charleston Baked shop.  It has different owners now, and the name is slightly different (The Bake House I believe), but the food is the same!  The brownies were just so.... mmmmmmmmmm!

You know you want one!

We also had this while we were there:

Pumpkin Cheesecake. Yes.

Speaking of pumpkin, you must go find this now:

Yes, it tastes like pumpkin pie.

I was toying around with French Toast this week and made two items, one horrifying and one silly.  I'll let you decide which is which.

Zombie French Toast - it's green!  

I turned these donut holes...

... into this French "Toast".

I'll leave you now with a picture of my mantle... which still is lacking a few items, but I'm pleased with nonetheless!

Geekery at it's finest.

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